Missed Calls and Missed Chances: Can I Redial Love?
Victoria Guillou

© Colonne / Pinterest
Amelie, this one is for you—Good luck babe
They say timing is everything, and in the realm of romance, that seems to be the one rule the universe follows with unyielding consistency. But if timing is so crucial, why do I still find myself lingering over the calls I didn't take and the texts left unanswered? Is there a way to redial love, or does that moment of possibility vanish forever when the screen fades to black?
It was a Tuesday, which, if you ask me, is the least romantic day of the week. Not quite the hopeful freshness of Monday, not nearly the weekend warmth of Friday—just a limbo day where most of us are mentally elsewhere. And on that particularly unremarkable Tuesday, I found myself scrolling through missed calls from a name I once held close. There it was, his name, surrounded by the familiar timestamps, like digital ghosts of what-could-have-beens.
How many times have we let love slip away, not with some grand, cinematic breakup but with the soft click of a declined call or the quiet avoidance of a message? The tiny decisions that seem so insignificant in the moment end up leaving the biggest impact, the soft echoes we hear long after the call log clears.
I know I’m not alone in this. We all have those missed connections lurking in the back of our minds—those people we almost loved, the nearly-relationships, the “could have been if only…” romances. Each one feels like a call that went unanswered, like the universe tried to connect us, and we just couldn’t seem to get to the phone in time. But does that mean it’s over, or is there a way to reach back, to try again?
I did what any woman in my position would do. I reached out, taking that leap of faith and, if I'm honest, holding my breath. I crafted a carefully casual message—Hey, long time no talk. How’ve you been?—knowing full well that this was less about the present and more about trying to capture a piece of the past.
But here’s the question that held me: what could I even say to change his mind, to make him see me differently? Was there a magic sentence that would bridge the gap between us, unlocking that old feeling we once shared? I mentally rehearsed my words, imagining the perfect combination that could turn doubt into certainty. Yet, deep down, I knew that love doesn’t come with a script or a spell to change someone’s heart. Sometimes, our words only carry as much power as the person is willing to give them. And no amount of charm or perfect phrasing could guarantee his answer would be the one I wanted.
The response came in quickly, as if he had been waiting for it, too. But as the conversation went on, the once-familiar spark felt different, and I found myself wondering if the moment we missed had transformed us both. Could we meet as two new people, or would we always be haunted by the ghost of that old possibility?
Maybe some missed calls are better left that way—a hazy echo of a feeling that’s beautiful because it’s unfinished. But for those calls we do choose to return, perhaps it’s not about redialing love in the same way. Instead, it’s about calling with a different kind of curiosity, one that’s no longer driven by the "what if" but by the "what now."
So, can we redial love? The answer may not be a simple yes or no, but I do believe in trying.
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